Mayfield lavender farm, A Must visit one day trip

Mayfield lavender farm, A Must visit one day trip

Mayfield lavender farm is a Beautiful farm full of bloom in month of June or July .You can visit place by public transport i.e. TFL train and bus or by your own vehicle . It is so beautiful place that you will remember your journey lifetime. Food and toilet facilities available in the Mayfield levender farm .

A must Visit place in London within everybody budget .

लेवेंडर फार्म लंदन

लेवेंडर फार्म लंदन बहुत ही खूबसूरत जगह है घूमने के लिए

Sharing some videos and pics of the day so that you will also experience beauty of this place

here is the video please watch and share

1 comment:

  1. Priyankas Times Files channel24 May 2020 at 12:39

    Love this place
